Simple and Straightforward

With our unique online experience most of the preparation for egg freezing is done at a place and time to suit you.



Register online to receive access to our online health questionnaire. This is then reviewed by one of our fertility nurses and provided there are no red flags for you completing the process, you will be invited to proceed to the assessment phase.



The assessment fee of £50 provides access to our bespoke information and counselling programme and a phone consultation with one of our experienced fertility nurses if required.  Once this is complete a further payment of £400 is required for the screening blood tests, a transvaginal ultrasound scan and an online consultation with an experienced consultant gynaecologist.   


Online Consultation

One of our highly experienced fertility specialists will review the results of the tests with you and answer any further questions you may have. If you wish to proceed, they will produce a personalised stimulation protocol for you and sign off on your prescription.


Stimulation Phase

After a brief planning consultation with one of our fertility nurses you are good to go, and the drugs will be sent out to you.  The stimulation process usually starts with 2 to 3 weeks of the oral contraceptive pill before starting daily hormone injections typically for around 10 days. Your response to stimulation is monitored by our unique home ultrasound scans with a telemedicine link to one of our consultants.  


Egg Retrieval and Storage

Once the follicles are mature, you will be given a time for your final trigger injection and the egg retrieval takes place at your preferred clinic 36 hours later.