We value your feedback.

At Ice Fertility we want to make sure that all of our patients have the best possible experience and if you’ve had great service then we’d love to hear your comments.

We always share positive feedback and it means a lot to us to know we’ve done a good job. Unfortunately things do sometimes go wrong and when that happens we want to hear about that too.


Our questionnaires are a great way of capturing your feedback and will be given/sent to you after your consultation and/or at the end of your treatment. If you prefer not to use the questionnaire as a way of providing compliments, please contact the Medical Director instead. Compliments about staff are always fed back to the person mentioned, through their line manager.


If you have a concern please talk to any member of the team straight away so that we can try and put things right without delay. If the person you share your concerns with can’t help then they will make sure that they find someone who can help.  You can also contact us using the email contact form


If your concern is serious then you can make a complaint to any member of the team who will arrange for you to speak with the clinic’s Registered Manager or another senior member of the team if they are not available. You can also put your complaint in writing to the Registered Manager.

Tell us the details of your complaint and, if possible, how we can put things right. It would also be useful if you let us know how you’d prefer us to contact you – we want to make sure we communicate with you in the most effective way.

We want to manage complaints effectively and fairly and to make sure we can do that we’d ask that you alert us to a problem as soon as possible. If a complaint is raised 12 months or more after the issue is identified then it can be difficult to fully investigate and we may decide that we can’t look into the complaint.

How to complain

To make a complaint you should speak, email or write to the Registered Manager.

Your complaint should ideally include:

  1. Your name and date of birth so that we can reliably identify you on our system and your preferred method of communication (i.e. email, letter, telephone, or face to face meeting).
  2. To help us respond to your complaint, we will need full details of your concern or complaint
Complaining on behalf of someone else

Very strict rules apply to our patients’ confidentiality and if you are complaining on the behalf of someone else, we have to know that you have their permission to do so. We will require confirmation of their consent in writing from the person concerned before we can disclose their personal health information to you.

What you should expect from us

We will send a written acknowledgement of your complaint within 3 working days. We will probably want to contact you to discuss your complaint and to explain next steps. Depending on the type of complaint it will be referred to the most appropriate senior team member to investigate. Once the investigation is complete, the Registered Manager will contact you with a full response within 20 working days, or will send an update on the progress with the investigation with a new proposed deadline if there is a delay in completing the investigation. We’ll probably also contact you to offer the opportunity to meet with the Registered Manager and relevant staff to discuss your complaint.

We’d really encourage a meeting: the Ice Fertility  team needs to understand when things aren’t as they should be and will value an opportunity to understand and make things right.

If you don’t feel your complaint has been resolved after meeting with a member of the team and/or receiving a response from the Registered Manager we can arrange for you to meet with or have a further review of your complaint by the Clinic Director.

Ice Fertility aims to be open so if there is a problem with your treatment or care we will tell you honestly what has happened as soon as we can. We will give you information, try to answer your questions and tell you what we are doing to put the matter right.