
Here are some podcasts you may find interesting

Hear about other women’s experiences of egg freezing

Freezing Time

Sophia Money Coutts

Quite simply the best podcast we have heard about egg freezing.  Amusing and interesting, Sophia Money Coutts tells the story of her egg freezing journey and speaks to fertility experts and women from many different backgrounds about their decision to freeze eggs.    

The Great Egg Freeze

Fi Glover

Fi Glover looks at the growing trend of employers offering egg freezing as employee benefits.

Is egg freezing good idea?

Natalie Silverman

Natalie Silverman, founder of the Fertility Podcast, talks to two women who had very different experiences of egg freezing.  

Podcasts from the Timeless Collaboration 2016

Timeless was a pop up collaboration between the LSE, the Welcome Trust and the Liminal Space.  Its aim was to inform and promote debate about egg freezing. The articles and podcasts were written in 2016 so some are a little out of date, but it did give what was a balanced view at the time.  The links below will take you to podcasts from this collaboration.

Should you freeze your eggs?

Egg freezing for lifestyle as opposed to medical reasons is growing at pace in the UK. Does it provide women with more control over their reproductive futures? Or is it an oversold scam? And if you are considering freezing your eggs, where would you even start?

Making it in the work place?

Despite some social changes, combining work and motherhood is still a challenge for contemporary women. Apple and Facebook have responded by offering egg freezing in women’s benefits packages, but what other options are there for innovation in the workplace? What’s failing about current systems, and who’s doing anything to improve the status quo for women?

Can women have it all?

We’re all so busy trying to ‘have it all’, but do we really question whether this is a feasible or realistic expectation, or what the alternatives may be? Is having it all an irresponsible myth or the great challenge of equality? Does egg freezing help us take control over this balancing act, or does it divert attention from the kind of wider systemic changes that might make for a more equitable society?