The UK’s first online egg freezing service

Our unique online service makes the egg freezing process simple, convenient and comfortable – allowing you to focus on the present, whilst giving yourself options for the future.

our service

Our unique online platform streamlines the egg freezing process, allowing you to undergo treatment in a convenient, safe and comfortable way.

Virtual consultations

Our expert team of clinicians are available at a time convenient to you, reducing the amount of time required out of your busy day to attend clinic appointments.

Remote scanning and at home blood tests

Using the latest advancements in telemedicine, we can monitor your response to stimulation from the comfort of your home.

Online counselling and tutorial content

Our bespoke online counselling and tutorial content ensures that you are fully informed and prepared ahead of your treatment.

Mobile App

Using secure and compliant digital messaging and medicines management, our bespoke app guides you through the process.

Ice Wellness

Our unique Membership plan has been curated by a dedicated team of experts in the fertility sector, from nutritionists, to doctors and complementary health specialists. This is offered free to all patients who choose to freeze their eggs with us.

Clinical Expertise

Ice Fertility is built on our founding team’s 30 years of experience at the forefront of women’s health and fertility treatment globally.

What does egg freezing involve?

Step 1: Registration

Step 2: Assessment

Step 3: Video consultation

Step 4: Stimulation

Step 5: Egg retrieval

Step 6: Storage

WhY consider egg freezing?

The quality and number of our eggs decline as we age. Egg freezing is a fertility preservation method, in which your eggs are frozen and stored ready to be used in the future. The younger you are when you choose to freeze your eggs, the greater the chances of a successful pregnancy when you come to use these eggs.

Use our fertility calculator to find out what this probability is based on your age and the number eggs you freeze. 

Have questions?

Head to the resources section of our website to find a range of publications on the topic of egg freezing from third parties, as well as our answers to some FAQs.

real people, real stories

Hear what our patients have to say about freezing their eggs with Ice Fertility:

“I had never considered freezing my eggs before, as I thought it was only for women who are already trying to conceive or facing infertility problems. However, after realising that egg freezing is in fact appropriate for a range of women, I decided to give myself options for the future and freeze my eggs with Ice. The process was simple and fit easily around my busy life.”


31, UK

I’m at a point in my life where children are the last thing on my mind. Life is busy and I can barely find the time to get a haircut or go to the dentist, so the thought of having to go to multiple appointments at a clinic in order to pursue egg freezing means it has never been a priority for me. But with Ice’s efficient and informative online process, it couldn’t have been simpler.

You never know what life is going to throw at you, and I’m glad I’ve been able to freeze my eggs to take that pressure off, so I can focus on living my life!”


27, London

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